The Hands of Guatemala

The Hands of Guatemala

"The Chajulense craft program grew out of the Chajulense coffee program as a way to export the goods made by many of the women of the communities represented by the coffee cooperative. The cooperative has been selling the crafts abroad, and the coffee copperative has supported the women. With fluctuating coffee prices and the recent outbreak of Roya, which threatens the coffee crops, the cooperative is in need of partners to make the craft project self sustaining. We bring these crafts to the United States just as we do with the coffee in direct partnership with the cooperative. This way we make sure that the producers of these fine crafts are paid a fair wage for their efforts. We need to bring up the volume of sales so that we can help more members of the community and reduce some of the overhead costs like shipping. We appreciate your help with the purchase and promotion to your freinds and family of these beautiful products." 

Coffee Exchange is proud to announce that we will be offering some of these beautifully crafted products in our cafe. Each and every item is Fair Trade and of quality production . Through the Chajulense Association a minimum of 10% of the profit is invested in community projects, education, and health. 

Please visit the Hands of Guatemala website to learn more or purchase more of these hand crafted products.

Woman Weaving

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