A Roaster for Chajul: A Coffee Exchange Fundraiser

Join the Customers and Staff of The Coffee Exchange between August 28 - October 16, 2017 to help The Coffee Trust nurture sustainability in San Gaspar Chajul, Guatemala. Proceeds will help support a variety of efforts within this small community, including purchasing a coffee roaster which will enable coffee farmers to sell roasted coffee in their own country.

Other important efforts include:

  • Education Scholarships
  • Roya Recovery – combating coffee crop fungus and replenishing soil
  • Food Security – farming, hen raising, composting, gardening medicinal herbs
  • Economic Diversification - bee cultivation & honey production, Hands of Guatemala textiles, micro-lending

The Coffee Trust, founded by Coffee Exchange co-owner Bill Fishbein, is committed to working with these community members to change the paradigm, and help build opportunities beyond coffee – from textiles to bee cultivation. The Coffee Exchange supports The Coffee Trust because we understand the economic disparity that follows the coffee pipeline from seed to cup.

About Chajul, Guatemala:

  • Isolated by beautiful mountains, Mayan culture and traditions have been maintained
  • One of the poorest coffee growing communities in the world
  • 80% live in poverty and only 5% complete high school

Our goal for this 6 week fundraiser is to raise $10,000 enabling us to buy a coffee roaster and support the good work of The Coffee Trust. 100% of all contributions will go directly to The Coffee Trust in supporting this small farming community.

Ways you can contribute:

  Donate Here online at thecoffeeexchange.com

  Buy a T-Shirt

  Buy a pound of Guatemalan coffee (25% goes to The Coffee Trust)

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